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Nitehawk Year-Round Adventure Park

Bike Trail Safety & Etiquette

Etiquette & Safety

The Nitehawk Bike Park is open from May Long Weekend to the End of September each season (weather and operationally dependent). Please treat the area and its other users with respect. Please respect trail closures due to inclement weather. Closures are for the benefit and longevity of the trails. Please respect & obey all informational & safety signage, stay on the trails and respect plants and wildlife.

Emergency Services

Dial 911 

Fire – Report Forest Fires as soon as possible by calling 310-FIRE (310-3473)

Before Riding – Bike Park Waiver


Nitehawk Bike Park promotes safe mountain biking.

All Nitehawk bike trails can be found on Trailforks, and all bikers, downhill, cross-country or all-mountain, are strongly encouraged to download the Trailforks app to their phone.   This map will aid in your locating and enjoying trails, but more importantly, may be a valuable resource if you ever have to communicate an emergency to Emergency Services.  Trailforks can give you a latitude and longitude of your location, or at least the trail name so that Emergency Services providers can have an easier time locating you.

Safety Hazards

Mountain Biking has unique hazards in addition to the normal hazards associated with other backcountry use and travel.   The sport involves somewhat high rates of speed on often narrow and sometimes very steep trails.  There is always a risk of crashing and proper protective gear should be worn.  As a bare minimum a properly fitting helmet is required.   For downhill trails, a full face helmet is highly recommended along with elbow and knee pads.  Aggressive riders (racers) and those that like to ride the technical trail features such as jumps and skinnies, should also consider the use of chest and spine protection.

Riders should always remember that natural hazards exist and trail conditions are constantly changing.  A jump that was safe last weekend may now have a fallen tree across the landing.  Always – look before you leap.  Never attempt Technical Trail Features (TTF’s) that you do not feel totally comfortable with.  Always ride within your ability.

TTF’s such as gap jumps are a desirable challenge for many riders.  However, these features should not be attempted by a new rider without coaching from a more experienced rider and never attempted when you are alone.   You must remember that the Nitehawk trails are in an area with poor communication, limited access points and a long way from professional medical care.   A moderate to serious injury can easy become a life threatening injury in such a location.

If you notice conditions such as a deteriorated or damaged feature please report that via email to , or a message on Facebook.  If you notice a tree has fallen or loose rocks are present on a landing zone, please either fix the problem or report the problem so that these safety issues can be addressed as soon as possible.   This should not be confused with maintenance issues that are not safety related (braking bumps, poor drainage etc).  These maintenance issues can also be reported via email or facebook message so that the issue can be addressed on a trail maintenance day.

Mountain Biking involves higher rates of speed than other backcountry activities such as hiking or trail running.   This increased speed increases the likely hood of wildlife encounters.  Potentially dangerous animals in this area include black bear and grizzly bears, moose, cougars and coyotes.

Trail Etiquette

Our success depends on riders following some basic rules to maximize enjoyment, minimize risk, and prevent damage to the local environment.

  • Don’t litter.
    Always leave the trails carrying at least as much as you arrived with.
  • Don’t block the trail.
    If you need to stop on a trail, make sure that you and your bike are clear of the trail and visible to oncoming riders.
  • Ride with consideration for others.
    The trails are designed to allow riders of varying abilities to develop their skills or just enjoy the trails. Fast moving riders should wait until it is safe to overtake and let slower riders know which side they’re passing on. Slower riders should signal their intentions to move over and allow passing where safe. If in doubt, always brake and give way to slower riders. 
  • Stay in control.
    Off-road surfaces and gradients can vary quickly, and losing concentration for even a second can cause problems. Do not attempt to ride terrain beyond the capabilities of you or your bike. If in doubt, dismount and walk.
  • Ride light.
    Aim to ride with as little impact on the trail as possible. Stick to existing trails and don’t cut corners or ride around boggy areas. Avoid riding trails during or immediately after rain events that may degrade the quality of the trails.
  • Think ahead.
    Bring what you need to enjoy your riding. Carry a drink, snacks, tools and spares for the time you’ll be out, and for your trip home. Bring spare clothes to protect against feeling cold after your ride.
  • Wear a helmet.
    When mountain biking always wear a helmet and consider other protective equipment. Proper cycle clothing will make your riding safer and more comfortable. Do not wear clothing that can catch in your bike and always wear shoes that will grip your pedals.
  • Maintain your bike
    Only ride on the trails if your bike is well maintained and of a suitable type.
    Poor quality or un-serviced bikes can break easily and be difficult to control.
    If in doubt, contact your local cycle shop for advice. A well maintained bike is much more fun to ride and is less likely to need parts replaced.
  • Look after the environment.
    By keeping the trails and woodland around it in good condition we can protect its future and continue to enjoy it. Please use signed entrance and exit points.
  • Give back to the Trails.
    Come out to help create and maintain the trails at organized trail DIG Days or other times when the dedicated builders are hard at work. There are also many other ways you can volunteer to help out the Nitehawk Bike Park.
  • Have Fun!


Regardless of how you use the trails, always show courtesy to others and be aware that there are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Please adhere to the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a safe outdoor experience.

Park privileges will be suspended for breach of this code.

Mountain biking involves the risk of serious injury or death. Knowledge and caution can reduce the risk. For your safety and the safety of others, please adhere to the code. 

  1. Ride in control and within your ability level. You must be able to stop and avoid other people or objects. You must understand bike park signage, trail ratings and trail progression. Start slow and small. Ride trails and features matching your ability.
  2. Protect yourself. Helmets are mandatory in Bike Parks and strongly recommended on all other trails. Other protective equipment is strongly recommended. 
  3. Do not ride if your ability or judgement is impaired by drugs, alcohol or fatigue.
  4. Inspect and maintain your bike or have it checked by a qualified bike mechanic before you ride.
  5. Obey signs and warnings. Stay on marked trails. Do not cut switchbacks and keep off of closed areas.
  6. Inspect trails and features. Conditions change constantly on trails and features. Inspect features before use and throughout the day. 
  7. Be lift smart. Make sure you have the physical dexterity, ability, and knowledge to safely load, ride, and unload lifts when riding at lift access resorts. Ask for assistance with chairlifts and surface lifts if unsure.
  8. Look out for others. Avoid riders ahead of you. They have the right of way. Yield to other riders when entering a trail. 
  9. Be visible. Do not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above. 
  10. Cooperate. If you are involved in or witness a collision or accident, you must identify yourself to the Bike Patrol, staff member or local authority.

Office Hours

Office Closed
Office Open 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Hill Open 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Office Open 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Office Open 10:00-5:00 PM, Ski Hill Open 12:00 to 8:00 PM, Tube Zone (ONLINE BOOKING)
Office 10:00-5:00 PM, Ski Hill Open 12:00 to 8:00 PM, Tube Zone (ONLINE BOOKING)
Hill Open 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tube Zone (ONLINE BOOKING)
Hill Open 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tube Zone (ONLINE BOOKING)


Main Line:
Toll Free:

Quick Links

Nitehawk Year Round Adventure Park
PO Box 1006 STN Main
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4B5
©2025 Nitehawk Year-Round Adventure Park