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Nitehawk Year-Round Adventure Park

COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Update – Bike Park Update – June 12th, 2020

Hello Nitehawk Bike Park Fans,

As many of you know, Nitehawk experienced a significant Landslide on lower Temptation Run 3 weeks ago that has affected our Chairlift and a few of our Bike Trails. It pains us to officially say that due to this recent incident and social distancing guidelines not allowing us to shuttle riders, that the Nitehawk Bike Park will remain closed at this time.

We are hopeful that as the Province of Alberta and Provincial Health Authorities work towards the third stage of re-opening in the months ahead; that the guidelines and requirements may be relaxed enough to allow us to shuttle riders once again.

We want you to know that this decision was not made lightly and it hurts us, more than you know, to not be able to open the Nitehawk Bike Park at this time. However, we do want you to know that we will be proceeding with our Summer Bike Camps at another location this summer; so please watch for Registration Opening Soon.

We will be continuing to work to determine next steps with the Geotechnical Engineering Firm we have engaged to help us with the chairlift and affected slope to find solutions. And we can’t wait to welcome you back to the Nitehawk Bike Park as soon as possible; with the safety of You, our Guests, and our Staff as our number one priority.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support. We look forward to seeing you all back on the trails sooner than later.


Johnathan Clarkson
Acting General Manager
Nitehawk Year-round Adventure Park


Guest Responsibilities (Code of Conduct): As of June 1, 2020:

  • This information constitutes a Code of Conduct
  • All overnight guests and day use visitors are responsible for their own health and wellbeing, and are required to follow COVID-19 signs and protocols at all times.
  • Persons displaying any symptoms of illness will not be permitted to stay overnight.
  • Person making the camping reservation is responsible for ensuring that all members of the household are aware of the COVID-19 protocols in place.
  • 2m (6ft) physical distancing must be respected in all areas of the RV Park, unless guests are from the same household.
  • No group gatherings of more than 50 people in any area are permitted,
  • Guests are encouraged to stay in their own camp site unless using park amenities,
  • Visitors (non-registered guests) are not recommended at your camp site.
  • Bring own soap, water and hand sanitizer to use after using high touch surfaces in the RV Park.
  • Bring a sheet or table cloth for your picnic table. Tables will be cleaned with anti-viral product between overnight guests.

Campground Operations:

  • Some campsites may be closed to ensure physical distancing (e.g. double sites)
  • Minimal contact for registration and check in. Payments can be made by email transfer at or by pre-authorized credit card and receipts can be emailed. Prepaid reservations are required at all locations. Please call Nitehawk at 780.532.6637 or Bear Paw at 780.402.8777.
  • Enhanced cleaning procedures of high touch surfaces will be in place.
  • Sites will only be rented to recreational vehicles which have their own functioning toilet, shower and holding tanks. No Tent camping is allowed.
  • Open: garbage, sani-dump (where provided), non potable water, laundry facilities.
  • Closed: showers & public washrooms, playgrounds & group shelters.

Out of Province Guests are permitted:

  • Same or lower incidences of COVID-19 in BC & Saskatchewan as in Alberta.

Group camping is not permitted at this time:

  • Does not support the requirements to maintain 2m (6ft) physical distancing


COVID-19 Update – May 14th, 2020

Hello Everyone,

As the Province of Alberta moves forward with Stage One(1) of their “Re-Opening Strategy”, Nitehawk Year-Round Adventure Park is working to determine what activities & services may be offered to our guests this summer. This decision will be based on the direction from the Alberta Government and Alberta Health Officials.

We want you to know that whatever decision is made, it will be with the safety of our Guests and Staff as the number one priority. Once these decisions have been made, we will ensure to communicate the decision with you; our guests. Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support as we work towards re-opening safely. 


Johnathan Clarkson
Acting General Manager
Nitehawk Year-round Adventure Park


COVID-19 Update – March 17th, 2020

Hello Nitehawk Fans & Family,

It is with the heavy hearts, but with the health and safety of our Staff, Guests and Community at the forefront of this decision; that we have to announce the CLOSURE of Nitehawk’s Ski, Snowboard, Tube and Restaurant Operations due to the COVID-19 Outbreak for the remainder of the 2019/2020 Winter Season and until we have received clearance from the Provincial Health Authorities, effective today Tuesday March 17th.

The newly announced directives from the Government of Alberta and the Provincial Health Authorities state:

**Ski hills across the province are strongly encouraged to close by the end of day March 17, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

**Effective March 18, all passenger ropeways, like gondolas and chairlifts, will be closed until further notice under the Safety Codes Act.

Should you have any questions regarding prepaid Lesson Programs or Tubing Functions that were purchased, please email, and we will have a team member get in touch with you over the next 72hrs.

We would like to thank all of our amazing Guests, Partner Groups and Sponsors for joining us on the Slopes this Winter Season and we can’t wait to welcome you all back to Nitehawk once the situation improves.

On behalf of Nitehawks Board of Directors, Management and Staff we want to wish you and your family a safe and healthy spring. We look forward to seeing you all for Bike Season this Summer.


Johnathan Clarkson
Acting General Manager
Nitehawk Year-round Adventure Park



COVID-19 Update – March 16th, 2020

Hello Everyone. We are currently monitoring the ever changing situation regarding COVID-19 and will be having discussions with our Ski Industry Colleagues this afternoon. Please stay posted on our Website and Facebook page as we make decisions as to how Nitehawk will be moving forward.

We know that with the announcement of School Closures yesterday afternoon that Parents are looking for outdoor Recreation Options for their families, however we need to make sure that we have consulted all the Provincial Health Authorities and Industry Leaders to ensure all procedures and regulations are being followed, so that the safety and health of our Staff and Guests remains at the forefront of Nitehawk’s priorities.

Thank you for your understanding in these constantly evolving times, we hope to have answers for you in the next 24-48hrs.


Johnathan Clarkson
Acting General Manager
Nitehawk Year-round Adventure Park


COVID-19 Update (Posted March 13, 2020)

Nitehawk is committed to the health and safety of our guests and employees.  At this time, Nitehawk is fully open for business.  The risk in Western Canada from COVID-19 is currently assessed as low. (
Nitehawk is in regular contact with local and provincial health authorities to ensure we are aware of current recommendations. We are monitoring the situation on a daily basis and taking appropriate precautions.
For the health and safety of our guests and employees, we have increased the frequency of surface cleaning and sanitization. 
We are encouraging and reminding guests and staff about effective hygienic procedures such as frequent and thorough handwashing and avoiding touching your face and reducing direct contact with others.
Here at Nitehawk, we are:

  1. Encouraging frequent hand cleaning with the addition of posters in all departments & washrooms.
  2. Reviewing our event procedures and adapting as appropriate.
  3. Adapting our food services, by minimizing seating in those areas to avoid large groups using our indoor facilities all at once.
  4. Cleaning common areas more frequently and deepening our efforts in cleaning and disinfecting commonly touched surfaces, including our Ski & Snowboard Rental Equipment.
  5. Encouraging staff and visitors to avoid shaking or touching hands .
You can help us by:

  1. Use good hygiene practices, such as frequent handwashing. Wash your hands before and after entering the facility, and before and after attending a lesson program.
  2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  3. Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow or sleeve.
  4. Dispose of tissues appropriately.
  5. Stay at home and away from others if you or your family feel ill.
  6. If you have symptoms, stay home and call Health Link 811 for instructions.
For more information on COVID-19, please refer to the Government of Alberta Website:
Please check this webpage for the latest updates.

Nitehawk’s Staff, Management and Board of Directors will continue to work to provide a safe and welcoming environment during this time.

For the Alberta Health Services Online Assessment Tool please click on the is link:



Office Hours

Office Closed
Office Open 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Hill Open 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Office Open 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Office Open 10:00-5:00 PM, Ski Hill Open 12:00 to 8:00 PM, Tube Zone (ONLINE BOOKING)
Office 10:00-5:00 PM, Ski Hill Open 12:00 to 8:00 PM, Tube Zone (ONLINE BOOKING)
Hill Open 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tube Zone (ONLINE BOOKING)
Hill Open 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tube Zone (ONLINE BOOKING)


Main Line:
Toll Free:

Quick Links

Nitehawk Year Round Adventure Park
PO Box 1006 STN Main
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4B5
©2025 Nitehawk Year-Round Adventure Park