Join us for our first Downhill Mountain Bike Race Event of the season, Sunday June 23rd. Bring out your downhill ride (DH or Hardtail) and shred upper Greenleaf (for kids), continuing onto Marbles (for Adults). Presented by AZTEC Engineering.
This event will be run as a BRACKET RACE event. Two (2) practice runs per participant, then on your third (3rd) run guess your time based on your first two runs. The participant closest to their “guessed time” in each age category, without going faster, wins.
*Register/Sign-in at the Chalet between 11:00am to 1:00pm
*Racing starts at 1:00PM
*Registration Fee: $10.00/rider, plus the cost of your Lift Pass (12&under is $22 and Age 13+ is $28), which is good for the remainder of the day.
Note: All participants must sign an event waiver. Those under 18yrs must have a parent or guardian sign for them.
*All judging/timing criteria is subjective and judges/timers decisions are final.
*We will require a minimum of 10 Racers pre-registered in order to go ahead with this race.